Development build

To build & test OpFlow itself, we suggest to toggle the example, tests and benchmarks options on during configuration:


This configuration will generate three groups of targets:

  • Examples All examples targets will be generated, together with a unified target AllExamples to build all examples. Some examples have different configurations, e.g. FTCS and FTCS-OMP.

  • Tests All tests targets will be generated, named with <TestName>Test, together with a unified target AllTests to build all tests. If coverage is enabled, each test will conjugate with a coverage-enabled version <TestName>Test_coverage. To run all tests, you can use CTest with ctest --parallel <n> in the build directory, where n is the count of parallel tests.

  • Benchmarks All benchmarks targets will be generated, named with BENCH_<BenchName>, together with a unified target AllBenchmarks to build all benchmarks.

Besides, a target All_CI will be generated as a unified target of the three. Be sure to make build with All_CI pass and all tests clear before submitting your PR!

For developers who want to contribute to the documentation, you may enable the OPFLOW_BUILD_DOC=ON option during configuration. A doc target will be generated. Each time you finished your modification, you can run make doc and preview the generated html pages in the doc folder under the build directory.