Example 03: Heat transfer


This section will introduce the heat transfer example, showing how to use different parallelization plans to run the case. The governing equation of the problem is

\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha (\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2})\]

We further propose the following boundary & initial conditions:

\[u\bigg|_{\partial\Omega}=1, u(x, 0)\bigg|_{\Omega\setminus\partial\Omega}=0, \Omega=[0, 1]\times[0,1]\]

We use the Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) scheme to discretize the equation:

\[u^{n+1} = u^{n} + \Delta t \alpha (\frac{u_{i-1, j} - 2u_{i, j} + u_{i+1, j}}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{u_{i,j-1}-2u_{i,j}+u_{i,j+1}}{\Delta y^2})^n\]


Just as the former examples, we create the mesh & field first:

using Mesh = CartesianMesh<Meta::int_<2>>;
using Field = CartesianField<Real, Mesh>;

constexpr auto n = 1025;
auto mesh = MeshBuilder<Mesh>().newMesh(n, n).setMeshOfDim(0, 0., 1.).setMeshOfDim(1, 0., 1.).build();
auto u = ExprBuilder<Field>()
                 .setBC(0, DimPos::start, BCType::Dirc, 1.)
                 .setBC(0, DimPos::end, BCType::Dirc, 1.)
                 .setBC(1, DimPos::start, BCType::Dirc, 1.)
                 .setBC(1, DimPos::end, BCType::Dirc, 1.)
u = 0;

We initialize a HDF5Stream for data output:

Utils::H5Stream uf("./sol.h5"); uf.fixedMesh();
uf << Utils::TimeStamp(0.) << u;


Use fixedMesh to avoid writing meshes repeatedly.

Then we compose the main algorithm:

for (auto i = 1; i <= 50000; ++i) {
    if (i % 100 == 0) OP_INFO("Current step {}", i);
    u = u + dt * alpha * (d2x<D2SecondOrderCentered>(u) + d2y<D2SecondOrderCentered>(u));
    if (i % 1000 == 0) uf << Utils::TimeStamp(i * dt) << u;


HDF5Stream needs to be closed explicitly by close method. This call must be placed before FinalizeEnvironment, especially in MPI environment.

It’s find to write u on each side of the assignment since an temporary field will be created automatically by the backend engine.

To make the program MPI-Ready, you only have to add a few lines during the field building stage:

auto info = makeParallelInfo();
setGlobalParallelPlan(makeParallelPlan(getGlobalParallelInfo(), ParallelIdentifier::DistributeMem));
std::shared_ptr<AbstractSplitStrategy<Field>> strategy = std::make_shared<EvenSplitStrategy<Field>>();

auto u = ExprBuilder<Field>()
        // ...

On the cmake side, add the required macros to enable MPI support:


That’s it! After build the program, run it with mpirun -np <nproc> ./FTCS-MPI.


The auto detection of system resources will get the maximum possible thread count for a single process. This means if you want to run on a 16-core machine with 4 MPI processes each with 4 OpenMP threads you must specify this configuration manually. Otherwise, the default setting will run 4 MPI processes each with 16 threads, which is not what we want.


You can load the solution data file sol.h5 to any HDF5-capable post-processing software. The data is organized by /T=<time step>/u structure. You may get a time series plot like:

heat transfer