Index, Range & RangeModel

OpFlow adopts dimension independent programming paradigm throughout the design of fields & operators. Therefore, it’s necessary to know how to access elements using a unified index and how to make sure the current index is valid. For these requirements, OpFlow has implemented the index & range families. Also, a four-range model for field expressions is designed for bounded access.


For each type of multi-dimensional field expressions, there is an type of Index corresponding to its data structure. For structured field expressions, we use the multi-dimensional index type MDIndex<d> to index the field:

// MDIndex is under the DS namespace. It takes a int as the dimension
DS::MDIndex<2> index;

// you can use MDIndex just like a fixed sized array
auto i = index[0], j = index[1];

// the default value of index is all zero
assert(i == 0 && j == 0);

// you can set the index's value by any bracket indexable object (e.g., std::vector, std::array)
index.set(std::array {1, 2});

// it can also be constructed by integers or a std::array
auto offset = DS::MDIndex<2>{-1, -1};

// indexes can be compared with total ordering
assert(offset < index);

// indexes can do arithmetic calculations
index += offset; // index == {0, 1};

// you can use next & prev to get a copy of the moved index
auto zero = index.prev<1>(1); // dim == 1, step == 1 (default, can be omitted)

// finally, you can use toString() to serialize the index
OP_INFO("index = {}", index.toString()); // print "index = {0, 1}"

For other types of fields such as semi-structured and unstructured fields, there are other types of indexes for usage.


Range is a concept upon the index. It defines the legal zone of an index, therefore is often used when we want to traverse a field. The corresponding range type for MDIndex is Range. It has three members, the start, the end and the stride. You can construct a range and access it as:

// construct a range by the end, use 0 as the default start
auto r0 = DS::Range<2>{std::array {10, 10}}; // [0, 10) x [0, 10)

// construct a range by start and end
auto r1 = DS::Range<2>{std::array {5, 5}, std::array {15, 15}};

// use check to test the validity of a range
assert(r0.check() && r1.check());

// use getExtends to get the extend of a range
auto ext = r0.getExtends(); // ext == std::array {10, 10};

// use getBCRanges to get the boundary ranges
auto bc_ranges = r0.getBCRanges(1); // bc_ranges = std::vector { 6 1-layer-thick ranges };

// use getInnerRange to get the internal range
auto in_range = r0.getInnerRange(1); // in_range = [1, 9) x [1, 9)

// use commonRange to get the intersection of ranges
auto r2 = DS::commonRange(r0, r1); // r2 = [5, 10) x [5, 10)

// use toString() to serialize a range
OP_INFO("r0 = {}", r0.toString()); // print "r0 = {(0, 0) - (10, 10) by (1, 1)}"

Range model

A field expression in OpFlow has 4 ranges with it: the accessibleRange, assignableRange, localRange and mesh range. These 4 ranges are determined by the underlying mesh’s shape, boundary conditions, accessibility and parallelization. Together they describe the detailed shape of the field expression. Each field expression must pre-calculate these 4 properties, which is called shape deducing. We briefly take the CartesianField as an example to show how this model works:

The 4 range model illustration

The largest range is the mesh’s range, which can be get via f.getMesh().getRange(). For multiple fields locating at different positions of a mesh cell (e.g., MAC velocity fields), they share the same base mesh and use loc to record their position in each dimension:

// build a 2d MAC velocity field
auto u = builder.setLoc(std::array {LocOnMesh::Corner, LocOnMesh::Center}).build();
auto v = builder.setLoc(std::array {LocOnMesh::Center, LocOnMesh::Corner}).build();

The location on mesh will affect the start and end index of the expression, which is shown in the accessibleRange. The index rule in a cell is: all locations inside a cell share the same index except the higher rank faces:

index in cell

The assignableRange is affected by both the boundary condition and the expression’s accessibility. For fields with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the corresponding range will shrink by 1. Also, for all intermediate expressions, the assignableRange will be set to empty to forbid writing to them. The localRange stands for the process local accessible range. It differes from the accessibleRange only when distributed memory parallelization is enabled. The other corresponding local ranges can be deduced from the former ranges, e.g.:

// the local assignable range is the intersection of localRange and assignableRange
auto localAssignableRange = DS::commonRange(f.localRange, f.assignableRange);

// the local mesh range is the intersection of localRange and mesh range
auto localMeshRange = DS::commonRange(f.localRange, f.getMesh().getRange());

// the local inner range is the intersection of localRange and inner range
auto localInnerRange = DS::commonRange(f.localRange, f.accessibleRange.getInnerRange(width));

With the 4-range model, the operators can know the accurate location of any intermediate expression’s boundary, internal and assignable ranges. This makes the whole pipeline to work properly without global shape information.