Hello world

This section will show you how to build & run your first “Hello world” program with OpFlow. Here we suppose you have followed the previous section and successfully installed OpFlow at <install_dir>. Then pick a nice place and create our project folder, let’s call it <project_dir>. We first compose the project’s CMake configuration file, <project_dir>/CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)


find_package(opflow REQUIRED)
add_executable(HelloWorld main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(HelloWorld opflow::opflow)

And then the source file, <project_dir>/main.cpp:

#include <OpFlow>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    OP_INFO("Hello {} from OpFlow!", "world");
    return 0;

Then make a build directory, <project_dir>/build, and config under it by:

cmake .. -Dopflow_DIR=<install_dir>/lib/cmake/opflow

Finally, build & run the project with:

make -j && ./HelloWorld

Congratulations! You’ve made your first OpFlow-embedded program!


You can either introduce OpFlow as a subproject of your project. In this way installation can be omitted and a direct link to OpFlow with target_link_libraries(<target> opflow::opflow) should be adequate.