Shape deducing & Boundary handling

The shape of the expressions is critical for operators to behave properly. As mentioned in the range model section, we use 4-range model to describe the shape of an expression. This property is initialized during the building phase of concrete fields, and during the prepare() phase of an intermediate expression. These ranges must be initialized before any computations are made.

For the boundary conditions of intermediate expressions, we try to calculate the boundary conditions as much as possible. For untouched boundaries, we keep the original boundary conditions and copy them to the new expression. For boundaries cannot be determined, we leave the boundary condition to Undefined. Besides, to avoid introduce branches by boundaries into the main loop, we separate the boundary calculation from the inner zone. This is achieved by three facilities:

  • Each operator will hold a constexpr value of int named bc_width indicating the potential boundary affected zone’s width:

template <...>
struct FirstOrderBiasedDiff {
    constexpr static int bc_width = 1;
    // ...
  • Each expression also has a bc_width parameter indicating the boundary affected zone’s width, which is recorded in the trait class:

template <...>
struct Expression<Op, Arg1>;

template <...>
struct ExprTrait<Expression<Op, Arg1>> {
    constexpr static int bc_width = Op::bc_width + ExprTrait<Arg1>::bc_width;
  • During the computation, the targeted range is split into inner & outer ranges. For each of the outer ranges (usually multiple slim slices), the evalSafeAt() is used with all branches considered. For the inner range, the evalAt() is used which only considers the trivial path:

auto bc_ranges = range.getBCRanges(width);
for (const auto& r : bc_ranges)
    // all branches enabled

auto inner_range = range.getInnerRange(width);
rangeFor(inner_range, [&](auto&& i) {
    // only consider the trivial path

By this means, we extract the most time consuming computation of the inner range, which can be readily optimized with aggressive optimizations, while keeping the calculations near the boundary correct & safe.