Example 02: Poisson equation


This section will show you how to solve an implicit PDE - the Poisson equation within OpFlow. The equation to be solved is:

\[\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} = 1.\]

together with the boundary condition:

\[u\bigg|_{\partial \Omega} = 0. \Omega=[0,1]\times[0,1]\]

Construct the solver

We begin with defining the mesh & field to use:

using Mesh = CartesianMesh<Meta::int_<2>>;
using Field = CartesianField<Real, Mesh>;

// build a 11 x 11 nodal mesh & field
auto m = MeshBuilder<Mesh>().newMesh(11, 11).setMeshOfDim(0, 0., 10.).setMeshOfDim(1, 0., 10.).build();
auto u = ExprBuilder<Field>()
                 .setBC(0, OpFlow::DimPos::start, BCType::Dirc, 0.)
                 .setBC(0, OpFlow::DimPos::end, BCType::Dirc, 0.)
                 .setBC(1, OpFlow::DimPos::start, BCType::Dirc, 0.)
                 .setBC(1, OpFlow::DimPos::end, BCType::Dirc, 0.)

Then we construct the solver to be used:

StructSolverParams<StructSolverType::GMRES> params;
params.dumpPath = "u";
params.printLevel = 2;
params.staticMat = true;
StructSolverParams<StructSolverType::PFMG> p_params;
p_params.maxIter = 1;
p_params.tol = 0.0;
p_params.useZeroGuess = true;
p_params.rapType = 0;
p_params.relaxType = 1;
p_params.numPreRelax = 1;
p_params.numPostRelax = 1;
p_params.skipRelax = 0;

auto solver = PrecondStructSolver<StructSolverType::GMRES, StructSolverType::PFMG>(params, p_params);
auto handler = makeEqnSolveHandler(
        [&](auto&& e) { return d2x<D2SecondOrderCentered>(e) + d2y<D2SecondOrderCentered>(e) == 1.0; }, u,

params and p_params are parameters for the solver and preconditioner, respectively. Options of these two parameters can be found in the API section or HYPRE’s documentation. Finally we solve the system by


You may notice that we didn’t use the unified solve interface here. By explicitly constructing the solver handler, it can be reused in later computations, especially when the matrix is static and only the rhs will be generated on each invoke of solve. For one-time solving, we still recommend the unified interface.

The above code should give you some output like

[2021-08-22 10:44:34.348] [info] [EqnHandler.cpp:main@37] Built solver handler.
L2 norm of b: 9.000000e+00
Initial L2 norm of residual: 9.000000e+00

Iters     resid.norm     conv.rate  rel.res.norm
-----    ------------    ---------- ------------
    1    3.130160e+00    0.347796   3.477956e-01
    2    3.683536e-01    0.117679   4.092818e-02
    3    4.864029e-02    0.132048   5.404477e-03
    4    2.117097e-03    0.043526   2.352330e-04
    5    1.183356e-04    0.055895   1.314840e-05
    6    1.814100e-05    0.153301   2.015667e-06
    7    1.964011e-06    0.108264   2.182235e-07

Final L2 norm of residual: 1.964011e-06

[2021-08-22 10:44:35.044] [info] [EqnHandler.cpp:main@39] Solver finished.

And you will find the dumped matrix & rhs files u_A.mat.00000 & u_b.vec.00000 under the execution path. These files show the coefficients of the matrix & rhs in detail, and is helpful for debugging your algorithm.