
Equation concept

Apart from doing explicit calculations, an important requirement of numerical methods is the ability to solve implicit systems, especially linear systems. Such a problem is represented by the Equation object in OpFlow:

// an equation for 2D Poisson equation
auto eqn = (d2x(p) + d2y(p) == div);

Construct an equation

Equation is constructed by the operator== by putting left hand side and right hand side expression on each side. You may noticed that in the Operator section the equality operator is not listed in the table. It’s used for generate equations in OpFlow, which we think is the more common use case than the equality test.


For equality test, you can use the NotEqualTo operator!= to do the job.

Linear solver & equation solving

The code above actually cannot be solved directly, since p and div are expressions that can be directly evaluated. The target variable must be explicitly marked out and the linear system can thus be generated. This is accomplished by introducing a StencilField of the target field and replace the target field with the stencil field:

// generate the stencil field object for p
auto stField = p.getStencilField();
auto eqn = (d2x(stField) + d2y(stField) == div);

After the equation has been constructed, it’s time to pick a proper linear solver and solve the linear system. OpFlow currently uses HYPRE as its backend for linear system solving. HYPRE provides high performance preconditioners and linear solvers for various types of linear systems including structured, semi-structured, unstructured and matrix form linear systems. The available solvers include:


  • CycRed



  • Jacobi


  • PCG

  • PFMG

  • SMG

The default solver for general equations in OpFlow is GMRES. We can construct a solver as:

// params & precParams are parameters for the solver and preconditioner
auto solver = PrecondStructSolver<type, pType>(params, precParams);
// bind the solver, target and equation to an equation handler
auto handler = HYPREEqnSolveHandler(eqn, p, solver);
// call the solve method to solve the system

To simplify the solving procedure, OpFlow introduce a unified Solve function to automatically do the work aforementioned. The above codes can be replaced by:

Solve([&](auto&& e) { return d2x(e) + d2y(e) == div; }, p, params, precParams);

Solve takes a functor as the equation generator, which takes a general field and returns an corresponding equation. The target field’s getStencilField method is automatically called, and the generated stencil field is feed into the functor to get the equation; meanwhile a solver is constructed with the parameters provided; then the equation is finally solved and the result is written into the target field.


It’s the user’s responsibility to ensure that the linear system is well purposed. For details of the linear solvers, please refer to HYPRE’s documentation.


You can now checkout the Poisson equation example in the Example section. Try it out!