Meta Programming

Meta programming is used extensively in OpFlow. It has already been proved that C++’s template is Turing complete, which means that you can compute anything computable during the compiling phase. For freshers of C++’s template system, I strongly recommended the book C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond by David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy, who are also the authors of the Boost MPL library. Briefly, meta programming is used in OpFlow for 4 major purposes:

  • Static dispatching. The entire type system of OpFlow is designed to be static (except some utilities and boundary condition related stuffs). By using curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP), the exact type of an object is well known at compile time. By using constrains for template parameters, operators can make targeted assumptions & optimizations for a specific typed (or class of typed) expressions. This is on contrary to the dynamic dispatch where operators can only use common interfaces provided by the base class thus losing chances for further optimization.

  • Dimension independent programming. It’s often the case where numerical developers first compose their methods on 1d or 2d cases, and turn to 3d cases when the debugging work is done. Re-writing a 2d algorithm into 3d can be boring, tedious, and error-prone. Since space symmetry is one of the fundamentals of physics, the fields & operators should have such symmetry, at least within the same dimension. Therefore, all meshes & fields in OpFlow have a template parameter of int indicating the dimension of that object. Furthermore, many operators are designed in 1d-form with a template parameter indicating the dimension to be operated on. Besides, the index & range system are also designed with a dimension template parameter. With these facilities, it’s natural to write dimensionless code and instantiate the whole algorithm with your specific dimension number.

  • Expression templates. The design of OpFlow’s expression system is borrowed largely from Eigen, where they call it the expression templates technique. The core idea of this technique is: every intermediate expressions generated from legal operations should be treated as-if they were concrete expressions of the corresponding types. For example, the addition of two Cartesian fields u + v should be treated just as a Cartesian field, sharing the same APIs and being capable for anywhere requiring a Cartesian field. This can greatly reduce the amount of code needed to distinguish the intermediate results from concrete fields and maintain a clean API. From another aspect, intermediate expressions only act-as concrete expressions, but not truly are. This means that they are only light-weighted proxies which can be used extensively without performance impacts. The computation only happens on the assignment to a concrete expression. This is called lazy evaluation which is used extensively in modern compilers & frameworks.

  • Performance optimizing with compiler support. Since the whole program is static, it’s more possible for the compiler to do more aggressive optimization, such as inlining & auto vectorization. Although not implemented yet, explicit vectorization is also possible to be achieved with zero runtime overhead since blocking & instruction mapping can be done at the compile time.

To explain each of the advantages in more detail, we’ll show some examples of how these features are achieved in OpFlow.

Static dispatching

As demonstrated in the Expr section, all expressions are organized into a tree by CRTP. For example, the branch for CartesianField is:

CartesianField<Data, Mesh>
    : CartesianFieldExpr<CartesianField<Data, Mesh>>
        : StructuredFieldExpr<CartesianField<Data, Mesh>>
            : MeshBasedFieldExpr<CartesianField<Data, Mesh>>
                : FieldExpr<CartesianField<Data, Mesh>>
                    : Expr<CartesianField<Data, Mesh>>

This inheritance allows a CartesianField to participate into any scenarios requiring a parent’s typed object. Operators can correspondingly require an argument to live on some level of abstraction. For example, element-wise operators such as AddOp may require the operands to just be of FieldExpr s:

struct AddOp {
    template <FieldExprType T, FieldExprType U>
    OPFLOW_STRONG_INLINE static auto eval_at(const T& t, const U& u, auto&& i) {
        return t.evalAt(OP_PERFECT_FOWD(i)) + u.evalAt(OP_PERFECT_FOWD(i));

Static dispatch is involved when an operator can handle different types of expressions. For example, the first order differential operator must use different scheme for Cartesian fields and CurvedLinear structured fields:

template <int d>
struct FirstOrderDiffOp {
    template <CartesianFieldExprType T>
    OPFLOW_STRONG_INLINE static auto eval_at(const T& t, auto&& i) {
        return (t.evalAt(<d>()) - t.evalAt(i)) / t.mesh.dx(d, i);

    template <CurvedLinearFieldExprType T>
    OPFLOW_STRONG_INLINE static auto eval_at(const T& t, auto&& i) {
        return ...; // some other scheme

In such cases, we can use the same frontend API to operate on both types of fields, while switching to the fine-tuned version of implementation at the compile time. Note that the operators operate on one element at one time. Dynamic dispatch will have severe performance issue under this scenario.

Dimension independent programming

We have partially explained this issue in the index & range section. By using unified indexes & ranges, we can loop over the entire field without explicitly specifying the dimension of it. Besides, dimension infos are supplied as template parameters when build meshes and fields:

using Mesh = CartesianMesh<Meta::int_<2>>; // 2d mesh
using Field = CartesianField<Real, Mesh>;  // dimension defined by Mesh

The dimension info can also be get via traits classes of these types:

constexpr int dim = internal::FieldExprTrait<Field>::dim;
constexpr int m_dim = internal::MeshTrait<Mesh>::dim;

These are useful inside operators’ implementations to know the input field’s dimension. Also, many operators are designed to be dimension splitted and take a dimension template parameter:

template <int d>
struct FirstOrderDiff;

auto d0_f = d1<FirstOrderDiff<0>>(f); // calculate along the first dimension
auto d1_f = d1<FirstOrderDiff<1>>(f); // calculate along the second dimension

This avoids writing the same scheme for each combination of dimensions.

Expression templates

Briefly, this is another achievement of the CRTP type system. We only need to show here how intermediate expression are defined. Aside from Expr, we define a templated type called Expression:

template <typename ... Ts>
struct Expression;

And it’s partial specialized by the count of arguments:

template <typename Op> struct Expression<Op> {...}; // nullary operator
template <typename Op, typename Arg1> struct Expression<Op, Arg1> {...}; // unary operator
// etc.

The maximum of possible arguments for now is 6. For each of these Expression, they are defined as:

template <typename Op, typename Arg1>
struct Expression<Op, Arg1> : ResultType<Op, Arg>::type {
    typename internal::ExprProxy<Arg1>::type arg1;

where the ExprProxy is defined as

template <typename T>
struct ExprProxy;

template <ExprType T>
struct ExprProxy<T> {
    // if T is a concrete expr (usually a field), take the ref;
    // else (usually an expression) take T's copy
    using type = std::conditional_t<T::isConcrete(), Meta::RealType<T>&, Meta::RealType<T>>;
template <Meta::Numerical T>
struct ExprProxy<T> {
    using type = T;

ResultType is defined alongside each operator. It tells what type of expression should the operator return with the current argument. This completes the definition of an intermediate proxy expression type. As you can see, the Expression only takes a reference to concrete field, or a copy of another proxy expression, which takes rarely no extra memory space. Therefore, it’s recommended to construct sub-expression first as intermediates, and assemble them together later to get the whole expression. This can make your code clear and easy to read.

Performance optimizing with compiler support

It’ll be hard to demonstrate this issue with OpFlow directly, as it’s already a complex & large project involving too much unrelated stuffs. Instead, I shall give some snippets here to show how brilliant modern compilers are such they can do amazing optimizations for our code:

  • Dynamic expr vs Static expr. This pair of examples shows how far the compiler can optimize dynamic expressions vs static expressions. Both code implements an expression type and a corresponding add operator. The test function foo adds up 4 such expressions of int. You can see the generated assembly for the dynamic case (at around line 1067) still contains calls to virtual functions. On the contrary, the static expr case (at the beginning) eliminates all function calls. All instructions are successfully inlined. Also note that the compile flag for the static case is set to -Og. Switch it to -O3 leaves only add & pop instructions.

  • Auto vectorization. This case further shows how the compiler optimize static expressions of vector fields. With AVX512F enabled, the compiler automatically generate code for vectorized operations of 8, 4, 2 & 1 doubles. Notice that there is no manually specified vector instructions in the code. Therefore, it’s totally possible to leave the vectorization work to the compiler as long as enough information is provided.