
Field is the build block of OpFlow’s evaluation system. Fields are conceptually Exprs, but they differ from general Exprs in that they are concrete objects owning allocated data memory. All computations’ source operands are eventually get from Fields.

Field concept

Field’s concept is much alike Expr’s, except that they provide special concepts for determining if an expression is a Field but not a FieldExpr:

// u, v are type of Field
auto u = ExprBuilder<CartesianField>().build(); auto v = u;
// t is declared as an intermediate expression
auto t = u + v;

static_assert(CartesianFieldExprType<decltype(u)>); // pass, u is a CartesianFieldExpr
static_assert(CartesianFieldType<decltype(u)>);     // pass, u is a concrete CartesianField
static_assert(CartesianFieldType<decltype(t)>);     // fail, t doesn't have allocated data memory

Using this series of concepts can constraint the input arguments where direct memory access or writen access is required.

Build a Field

A Field is also constructed by the ExprBuilder. For mesh based fields, there are usually three steps for the build procedure: setting the name, mesh and the boundary condition.

Name is an optional identifier to a field, and are set by:

auto u = ExprBuilder<Field>().setName("u") //...

This identifier will be shown in the expressions involving the current field, e.g., by calling the getName() method on any expression:

auto n1 = u.getName();  // n1 == "u"
auto t = u + 2 * u; t.prepare()
auto n2 = t.getName();  // n2 = "u + 2 * u"

and in the output file as dataset’s identifier. Although name is optional, picking a unique & proper name can help you with debugging and postprocessing.

Mesh is a vital information for describing a field. After building the mesh, you can set the field’s mesh by:

auto m = MeshBuilder<Mesh>(). ... .build(); // built mesh
auto u = ExprBuilder<Field>().setMesh(m)    // ...

Mesh determines the field’s dimension, therefore it’s usually a template parameter for the field.

The third and the most complex part is the boundary condition. OpFlow’s field and expressions are designed to be the union of all the internal data & boundary conditions. Therefore with a simple expression the background engine knows where the boundary is, what the boundary type is and how to calculate on the boundary. It’s hard to find a universal boundary condition representation. Here we classify the possible boundary conditions into three categories: Dirichlet boundary, Neumann boundary and Logical boundary. 1 The first two types are further implemented in two approaches: ConstBC and FunctorBC. ConstBC stands for a constant boundary condition of the corresponding type; FunctorBC takes a functor which takes an index and return a boundary value. Logical boundary condition refers to conditions which are defined by its relation between inner fields, e.g., the symmetric and asymmetric boundary conditions. To set a corresponding boundary condition, you can use the setBC() method provided by the ExprBuilder:

auto builder = ExprBuilder<Field>();
// set a constant Dirichlet boundary condition of 1 at the start side of dim 0
builder.setBC(0, DimPos::start, BCType::Dirc, 1);
// set a functor Neumann boundary condition of y * y at the end side of dim 0
builder.setBC(0, DimPos::end, BCType::Neum,
              [mesh](auto&& i) { return Math::pow2(mesh.x(1, i[1])); });
// set a periodic boundary condition at dim 1
builder.setBC(1, DimPos::start, BCType::Periodic)
       .setBC(1, DimPos::end, BCType::Periodic);


Although the periodic boundary condition binds a pair of boundaries together at the same time, we still requires the user to provide the pos argument explicitly to simplify the inner logic for building the field.



Robin boundaries are currently not considered since they rarely come into my field :)

Assign & Eval

To initialize a newly built field, you can use the initBy() method:

// initialize the field to u(x, y) = x * x + y * y
u.initBy([](auto&& x) { return x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]; });

or by a scalar, existing field or a general expression:

u = 0.;     // set the inner of u to 0
u = v;      // set u's inner value to v
u = v * v;  // set u's inner value to v's square


The statement auto u = v; will construct a copy of v instead of an intermediate expression. This feature is often used to create a series of fields shares the same configuration, e.g., multiple middle versions of a field during a time integration step.

To evaluate at a specific index, you can use evalAt() and evalSafeAt() methods just as with an Expr. To change the value at an index, you can use the operator[] and operator() to get the reference to the data object (see Expr section). Nevertheless, the most common approach to assign to a field is by assign an Expr to it, e.g.:

Field u, v, w;
u = v + w;      // evaluate v + w and store the result to u
v = d2x(w);     // evaluate the 2nd order derivative of w
                // along x and store the result to v
u = u + v;      // u itself can also appear on the right hand side
                // A temporal copy will be created automatically

By using unified assignment syntax, the users can focus on composing the algorithm, while OpFlow can automatically choose the best parallelism method and evaluation sequence of the rhs expression. Boundary conditions are also carefully handled by the backend assignment engine. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended to write your code in this fashion instead of pointwise operations.

Field IO

OpFlow provides streams for field IO. All available streams can be found at Utils/Writers. A stream is usually constructed by a filepath, e.g.:

RawBinaryOStream os("./");

and fields are written info file with time stamps as tags:

os << Utils::TimeStamp(0) << u; // record u at t = 0

Currently available streams’ capabilities are list as following:

Stream Feature




Parallel I/O





















For detailed usage of each stream, please to the API section and examples of OpFlow.